Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Late Night Musings

I am surprised. More than surprised. I am rather startled at myself. Having been a very, very private person all my life, it is hard to understand this sudden urge to step up and actually write my thoughts in a blog for all the world to read. The comforting thought here is that the greater part of the world will not be aware of this one blog among billions of other more colorful, exciting and outright sensational things that are out there on the net. Out here I mean - 'here' after all is where I am. By definition, right? And since I don't intend for this blog to be anything remotely sensational, it might after all be a fairly private affair.

This is the great thing about the internet - the privacy that it allows you - relatively speaking. I am free to call myself by the very obvious pseudonym "simplymyself" - a name that does not have an iota of imagination or originality to it. And it is just fine to be totally unoriginal and unimaginative - since the labels do not get pinned to the real me anyway, but only to the alter ego that stands here. The real me, or who I think is the the real me, could go on walking the earth aspiring to be and sometimes actually being brilliant, original, eloquent and imaginative. Thus in effect, I get to have an audience (a pseudo audience???) even if it is only one reader or none, to air my views to without having the responsibility of being anything that I do not feel like being at the moment of writing. Ah, that's what I call freedom! That is not the end of it either. I come in here, and just for the minor inconvenience of creating an account, get to start talking right away, as if I have been at this party for hours. No need to introduce myself (defeats the purpose of a pseudonym, right?), no need to establish a context, nothing. And you, dear reader, get to read this if you are curious or have nothing better to do with your life. Or if anything more urgent or interesting flits across your mind, you do not have to wait politely and impatiently for me to finish - you get to leave me mid-sentence at the click of a mouse. How convenient is that? All in all this idea of blogging does not seem like a bad idea at all!

I would like to hear your random thoughts and opinions too. Only remember, dear reader, the blog is mine and I get to choose what goes up here. So there. Boundaries established, thoughts shared. I guess it is time to go get some sleep.

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